DROPLET It's ESP32 based ALL-IN-ONE irrigation and monitoring system for (Home Assistant and ESPHome) that manages the entire process of growing plants, controlling the supply of water with micro pumps, controlling lighting, temperature, humidity, and more..., it's limited only by your imagination.
5x JST 2Pin Connectors for micropumps. "GPIOs 13,4,16,17,18".
5x JST 3Pin Connectors for soil moisture sensors. "GPIOs 34,35,32,33,39" Pulled low with 1 MΩ resistor.
Pin header i2c 5/3.3v for OLED Display.
Pin header TX RX GND for programming.
Buzzer for notification "GPIO 23" With the ability to turn off the buzzer and use it internally or redirect GPIO 23 to the expansion board. "With jumper removal".